Multiplexing continuous-variable quantum information in optics
报 告 人
Dr. Seiji Armstrong,
The Australian National University
10月15日 (星期三) 下午3:10
联 系 人
何琼毅 研究员(qiongyihe@pku.edu.cn)
Recently, very large entangled states of light have been generated using multiplexing techniques. I will explore some experiments that have successfully shown multiplexing to be a viable approach in increasing the scalability of quantum systems. Specifically, I will focus on experiments in the time domain, as well as the spatial domain, with a brief discussion on frequency domain experiments. There are some nice consequences when dealing with spatial domain multiplexing that lead to the ability to be able to program linear optics networks. I will discuss some results using this architecture, including collaborative work with Peking University.
I will also explore how these large entangled states may be used for measurement-based quantum computing.
报告人简介Dr Seiji Armstrong completed his PhD jointly at the Australian National University (Hans Bachor Group) and The University of Tokyo (Akira Furusawa Group). He is now a post-doctoral researcher at the Australian National University in the Ping Koy Lam Group. His research interests are quantum information and quantum optics, teleportation, cluster states, multiplexing large entangled systems, and measurement-based quantum computing.
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