Coherent interaction of light and single particles at the mesoscopic scale
报 告 人
陈学文 教授,
2014年11月5日 下午3:00-5:00
联 系 人
古英 (62752882)
In the past decade, we have witnessed tremendous development of photonic technologies, allowing unprecedented manipulation of electromagnetic fields. Meanwhile, atomic physics, quantum physics and material science have advanced at a spectacular pace, with increasingly greater control over single quantum systems. In this context, highly efficient interfacing of light and single quantum systems in the mesoscopic scale becomes increasingly challenging and interesting. In this talk, I will present our recent efforts in achieving controllable coherent interaction between propagating photons and single quantum and classical particle systems. I will first describe a general theoretical platform treating the interaction full quantum-mechanically in the presence of material dispersion and loss. Then I will talk about how an isolated quantum system,for example a single molecule, could block a laser beam, eliminate completely or increase by orders of magnitude the cross sections of single metallic nanostructures. I will also outlook the prospects of quantum photonics with solid-state systems at the mesoscopic scale.
报告人简介: 陈学文,2003年浙江大学混合班本科毕业,2003-2008年浙江大学光学专业博士,期间分别在香港大学和香港理工大学各联合培养博士生一年。2008-2011年在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)物理化学实验室进行博士后研究,2011-2014年在德国马克斯-普朗克学会光学所和爱尔兰根-纽伦堡大学物理系任研究科学家,期间2013.04-2013.07美国斯坦福大学Ginzton实验室做访问学者。2014年入选第十批千人计划青年人才项目,同年起担任华中科技大学物理学院教授,组建微纳固体量子光学和光谱学研究小组。已在Nature Photonics (1篇), Physical Review Letters (2篇)和Nano Letters(2篇)等国际权威期刊发表论文和专著邀请章节20余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者15篇,国际会议大会邀请报告4次,并担任国际会议 Session organizer, Committee member 等。
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