3-D Technology Approaches for Biological Ecologies
报 告 人
刘雳宇 教授
2015年11月25日 (星期三) 15:10
联 系 人
朱瑞 (62750853)
Constructing three dimensional (3-D) landscapes is an inevitable issue in deep study of biological ecologies, because in whatever scales in nature, all of the ecosystems are composed by complex 3-D environments and biological behaviors. Just imagine if a 3-D technology could help complex ecosystems be built easily and mimic in vivo microenvironment realistically with flexible environmental controls, it will be a fantastic and powerful thrust to assist researchers for explorations. For years, we have been utilizing and developing different technologies for constructing 3-D micro landscapes for biophysics studies in in vitro. Here, I will review our past efforts, including probing cancer cell invasiveness with 3-D silicon based Tepuis, constructing 3-D microenvironment for cell invasion and metastasis through polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) soft lithography, as well as explorations of optimized stenting positions for coronary bifurcation disease with 3-D wax printing and the latest home designed 3-D bio-printer. Although 3-D technologies are currently considered not mature enough for arbitrary 3-D micro-ecological models with easy design and fabrication, I hope through my talk, the audiences will be able to sense its significance and predictable breakthroughs in the near future.
报告人简介:刘雳宇,博士,2008年毕业于香港科技大学物理系,之后在普林斯顿大学物理系任博士后研究员,2012年加入中科院物理研究所,2015年加入重庆大学物理学院。现为中组部青年“千人计划”入选者,青年“千人计划”电子信息组组长,中组部“千人计划”3-D打印组生物3-D打印联络人,中科院“百人计划”入选者,973计划(青年科学家专题)首席科学家,中美肿瘤物理研究联盟执行主任,博士研究生导师。目前主要从事癌症生物物理:高通量癌细胞的生物芯片的开发和应用,微流体研究心血管疾病及手术优化方式,以及生物3D打印技术研究。已在Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Lab Chip, Appl. Phys. Lett., Biomicrofluidics等国际期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。
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