Optical response of metal nanostructures controlled by mode coupling and interference
报 告 人
阮智超 教授
浙江大学 物理系/光电学院
2017年9月22日 (星期三) 14:00-15:30
联 系 人
胡小永 (Tel: 62768705)
In this talk, we briefly review our recent efforts on the manipulation of the light scattering, absorption, and mode excitation through the mode coupling and interference. Especially, we develop a general coupled-mode theory to capture the ubiquitous nature of mode coupling and interference and give a unified picture from both the temporal and the spatial views. Based on the temporal coupled-mode theory, we will show how to design nanowire structures to realize strong absorption enhancement or substantially reduced scattering in the applications of cloak sensors, transparent electrodes and photodetector. As the examples for the spatial domain, we will discuss how to concentrate the surface plasmon polariton (SPP) excitation through the prism coupling method and how to achieve the spatial differentiator and integrator based on a simple Kretschmann prism configuration.
报告人简介:阮智超,入选青年千人计划,现任浙江大学物理系、光电学院双聘教授,博士生导师。2007获瑞典皇家工学院“微电子与应用物理”专业博士学位,并获国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。后在美国斯坦福大学Gintzon实验室任助理研究员。曾任美国KLA-Tencor高级工程师,负责20纳米光刻掩膜板检测系统中的光学建模。主要研究微纳结构的光场调控,包括新能源信息纳米光电材料、超常人工电磁介质、光子晶体等。在Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters等专业期刊上,共发表了42篇论文,他引数超过2500次,5篇入选ESI的Highly Cited Papers, 单篇他引最高超过250次。
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