Organic Upconversion Device: Photodetector, Exciplex Organic Light-Emitting Diode, and Transparent Metal Oxide Electrode
报 告 人
劉舜維(Shun-Wei Liu )教授
2018年12月12日 下午16:00-17:30
联 系 人
肖立新 (62767290)
In this presentation, we would like to introduce an operational mechanism of a high-performance NIR upconversion electronic imaging system that consists of exciplex organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic photodetectors (OPDs), and transparent electrode enabled to detect a weak signal in dark environment. The device with an absorption layer of chloroaluminum phthalocyanine (ClAlPc) demonstrates an efficient upconversion at a forward driving voltage owing to the good absorption coefficient in the range of 600-800 nm, a high hole blocking efficiency at the interface of ITO/organic, and self-dissociation property. Accordingly, the device with the configuration of an ITO/ClAlPc/exciplex display unit/metal oxide electrode provides a green emission upon direct illumination of 780 nm NIR light following the upconversion mechanism by converting NIR light to visible light effectively. As a consequence, an optimal device exhibits a current gain as high as 300 000 (defined as the current density under exposed light divided by the dark current density) at a driving voltage of 4 V.
报告人简介:劉舜維老師目前為明志科技大學電子系教授兼有機電子研究中心主任,研究領域為有機光電半導體材料與產業製程應用,其中包含有有機發光二極體、有機場效電晶體、有機光伏打電池,近十年的研究期間己有發表130篇左右的國際期刊在上述相關領域內,研究成果與中心設施可以參考研究中心網頁(https://organicelectronics.mcut.edu.tw/)。 得獎經歷: 科技部吳大猷先生紀念研究獎 (2018年) 科技部傑出技術移轉獎 (2018年) 台灣光電學會青年工程獎 (2018年) 科技部補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵 (2014-2018年) 台灣教育部計畫留任特殊優秀人才彈質計畫: 明志科技大學代表 (2018年)
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